Identifying Areas of Potential Concern
The AAP Alaska Chapter is dedicated to the care of Alaskan children. In this time of pediatric mental health crisis, we are proving this tool in an effort to aid in getting help and services for children who may be suffering from mental health issues. The purpose of our printable cards, titled “Identifying Areas of Potential Concern”, is to help those caring for children keep track of things they may see in their daily interactions with children. These cards alone do not diagnose a child or teen with a mental health issue, but can lead to a conversation with school counselors, school nurses or parents that can lead to appropriate screenings.
The goal of these cards is that they give a place for teacher, TA, childcare professional, counselor or other caregiver to take note of changes or behaviors that maybe of concern. You may indicate if it is a new or long term issue. There are also spaces for individual notes. In addition, there are places to document that you have shared your concerns with your school counselor, school nurse, principal or other school designated individual. This allows you to track dates of reporting or meetings. We are hopeful that this tool is useful to you and gives you a place to organize your observations and concerns.