Back To School

At Home Health Screening for Parents and Guardians

Ask these questions at home before sending students to school. Anyone who answers “yes” to one or more of these questions must not enter the school or participate in a school sport or activity.

Within the last 10 days, have you been diagnosed with COVID-19 or had a positive test for the virus?
Have you had any of these symptoms in the last 24 hours?
Fever (defined as a temperature 100.4F or higher)• Chills• New trouble breathing or shortness of breath• New cough• Diarrhea• Abdominal pain• Vomiting• Fatigue• Joint pain• Muscle aches or body aches• New rash• Loss of taste or smell• Sore throat• Headache• New congestion• New runny nose
Do you live in the same household or have you had close contact in the last 14 days with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19? Close contact counts if you have been within 6 feet for more than 15 minutes (cumulative over 24 hrs), or if someone from public health contacted you to let you know you are a contact.
Note: If a child or staff member lives with someone else who was named as a contact, it is okay for the child or staff member to go to school. We do not quarantine contacts of contacts.
STAY HOME or go home immediately if the answer is YES to one or more questions above. The next step is to call a doctor and consider getting tested for COVID-19. Do not go to the doctor’s office without calling first. Seek emergency care immediately for difficulty breathing, chest pain, confusion, sleepiness, or other severe problems. Parents / guardians should follow the Return to School Options pathway below to determine when to send students back to school.
DO NOT send student to school with any of the above symptoms.

Return to School Options

For Anyone with COVID-19 Symptoms or a Positive COVID-19 Test Result:

If you test positive, stay home for 10 days after your first symptom or positive test, whichever is earlier. After 10 days, you may return to school when you have not had a fever in 24 hours without fever reducing medicine, as long as your other symptoms are improving.
If you test negative, you may return to school once you have not had a fever in 24 hours without fever reducing medicine as long as your other symptoms are improving.
If you do not get a test, stay home for 10 days. You may return after 10 days if you have not had a fever in 24 hours without fever reducing medicine as long as your other symptoms are improving.
If your healthcare provider determines your symptoms are from something else, you may return to school with a note from your provider as long as you have not had a fever In 24 hours without fever reducing medicine and your other symptoms are improving.

Content for this flier borrowed with permission from the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development’s Smart Start 2020 website.